This area contains source and executable for the LZCMP and LZDCM utilities used in several places on the tape to compress large files to gain room. The sources contain documentation in comments at the start of the code for those curious about the programs' operation. To use LZCMP and LZDCM, define them as DCL foreign symbols. For instance, you might use commands like $LZCMP:==$DECUS$DISK:[VAX86D.LZW]LZCMP $LZDCM:==$DECUS$DISK:[VAX86D.LZW]LZDCM Then to compress a file use a command like $ LZCMP -v inputfile.typ squeezedfile.typ or to decompress the file use a command like $ LZDCM squeezedfile.typ unsqueezedfile.typ If you use those commands, "inputfile.typ" and "unsqueezedfile.typ" will be copies of each other. Note that you'd have to define "DECUS$DISK" before giving the $ lzcmp:==... etc. definitions above... the idea is to run the programs as foreign commands. The -v switch for LZCMP is the "verbose" switch so that when LZCMP is done it'll report to you what it did. The default operation on VMS preserves file attributes in the squeezed file. Several "compatibility" options (not used on the tapes) treat the files in one of two stream modes (text and binary) and can be used for transporting files to/from non-VMS systems. It is presumed that if you're able to read the tape in VMS BACKUP, you must have a VMS system handy to do the decompress on, and that in that case, preserving all the file attributes is desirable. USAGE NOTE FOR THE VAX SIG TAPES Wherever any file has a type of form .*_LZW, where * is any extension, it is compressed by LZCMP here and should be decompressed with LZDCM before use. In all cases, where this has been done, there will be a directory (often named THIS_DIR.LIS) of the file directory tree prior to backing up and compressing. Areas have been compressed by creating a VMS Backup saveset and compressing the saveset, so that only one squeezed file per directory tree need be dealt with.