Object: The Tarantula Nebula NGC 2070 Constell: DOR RA: 05h 38m 36s Decl: -69° 05' Epoch: 2000 Mag: Size: 40' Type: Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: LaSilla, Chile Date/Time: 23./24.11.1993, 03.25 Telescope: C 200/2000 Magn: 80x Filter: Field: 40' NE Lim.mag: 6.5m Background sky: 1 Seeing: 1 Weather: Moon low W. Brightness: 1 Alt: Description: An extremely bright and complicated HII emission region. Brightest stars mag. 7. The 'tarantula' shape was not very easy to see: the thin wisps on the E side clearly are some legs and the loop S of the center is the body.