Object: Open clusters NGC 2251 and BASEL 8 Constell: MON RA: 06h 34.7m (NGC-51) Decl: +08° 22' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 7.3m/ Size: 10'/30' Type: III 2 m IV 3 m Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Helsinki, Finland Date/Time: 8./9.11.1996, 01.03 Telescope: C 200/2000 Magn: 80x Filter: Field: 37' NE Lim.mag: 5.7m Background sky: 2 Seeing: 2 Weather: -1 °C, no Moon. Brightness: both 2 Alt: 30° Description: NGC 2251: About 25 stars of magnitude 10... within 11'. Strongly elongated NW-SE. An edge-on disk??? No especially bright stars. High star density. Basel 8: Scattered and much larger than the ngc-cluster. There is a group of bright stars in the S edge including a mag. 10 pair and a short row of three mag. 9 stars. Total about 25 stars.