Object: Open cluster NGC 6800 Constell: VUL RA: 19h 27.2m Decl: +25° 08' Epoch: 2000 Mag: Size: 5' Type: III 2 p Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Jyväskylä, Finland Date/Time:12./13.10.1994, 21.27 Telescope: R 150/2063 Magn: 83x Filter: Field: 36' NE Lim.mag: 5.5m Background sky: 3 Seeing: 2 Weather: 2/3 Moon S but othervise fine. MW faintly seen. Brightness: 2 Alt: Description: A clear cluster but definitely not a showpiece. About 25 stars surrouding a dark spot in the middle. Brightest stars on the E edge. No colors noted. Easy. Estimated diam. 15' = 3* as big as the catal. entry. Wonder were the size comes from? (This comment refers to my own field observing catalogue...). Estimated total brightness 7.5m