Object: Galaxy cluster ABELL 262, ngc 714 f. Constell: AND RA: 01h 52.9m Decl: +36° 08' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 13.3m (Brst) Size: 86.4' Type: 0 1 III Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Hartola, Finland Date/Time: 23./24.8.1996, 02.20 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 133x Filter: Field: 22' NE Lim.mag: 6.0m Background sky: 2 Seeing: 2-3 Weather: +9 °C, no Moon. Brightness: see below Alt: 55° Description: Four galaxies in one field. The first to be seen was NGC 717 (13.8m (v), 1,3'x0.2', So/a, Br4): Almost round, very small (20'') with high surface brightness. Almost stellar nucleus. NGC 714 (13.1m (v), 1.6'x0.4', S0/a, Br4) is an almost edge-on lenticular/spiral. Was at first thought to be a star. Very elliptical (3-4:1)=about 0.9'x0.2' with a stellar 14.5m nucleus. CGCG522-44 (15.7m, Br5+) is 8' NW of ngc 714. It was barely visible as a diam. 20'' haze. MCG+6-5-40 (15.3m (p), E?, Br5) is 9' N of ngc 714. Slightly brighter and larger than the CGCG-galaxy. Quite concentrated.