Object: Open cluster BERK 83 Constell: VUL RA: 20h 01.4m Decl: +28° 38' Epoch: 2000 Mag: Size: 4' Type: II 1 p Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Helsinki, Finland Date/Time: 16./17.9.1996, 00.10 Telescope: C 200/2000 Magn: 160x Filter: Field: 19' NE Lim.mag: 5.2m Background sky: 3-4 Seeing: 3 Weather: +5 °C, no Moon. Brightness: 5a Alt: 46° Description: Faint but easy. Averted vision revealed a few mag,. 13.5 stars and a motlled glow. Diam. 2' Do not reach to the nearby mag. 11 star. Maybe a bit elliptical NE-SW. Note: Lyngå given Br17.0 ??! POSS 1. There is a very faint cluster in this area but it is a bit N of the sketched glow. The 3 brightest stars are visible on POSS but no fainter background cluster. This glow was, however, quite obvious and colleague Jerry Jantunen saw it too. Needs confirmation.