Object: Open cluster DODZ 4 Constell: TAU RA: 05h 35.9m Decl: +25° 57' Epoch: 2000 Mag: Size: 28' Type: IV 2 p Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Jyväskylä, Finland Date/Time: 21./22.3.1994, 23.30 Telescope: R 150/2063 Magn: 52x Filter: Field: 45' NE Lim.mag: <4.8m Background sky: 4-5 Seeing: 3 Weather: Full Moon and star images quite soft. Mist? Brightness: 1 Alt: 30° Description: Fills about 2/3 of the field. Poor but clear when sweeping with low power. Brightest stars mag. 7. No chains of stars, brighter ones, colours. concentration et.c.