Object: Galaxy MESSIER 87 + surrounding gal. Constell: VIR RA: 12h 30.8 (M87) Decl: +12° 23.4' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 8.6m (v) Size: 8,4'x6.7' Type: E0+ p Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Hartola, Finland Date/Time: 19.720.4.1995, 01.00 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 133x Filter: Field: 22' NE Lim.mag: 6.0m Background sky: 2 Seeing: 3 Weather: Good. 0 °C. No Moon. Brightness: Alt: Description: M87: Impressively bright. Round, very much concentrated towards a non-stellar center. The core seems a bit elliptical S-N. Diam. about 3.5' Brightness 2. The 2nd brightest galaxy is NGC 4478 about 10' w of M87. A very bright (12.5m ) stellar (?) nucleus surrounded by a faint haze, diam. 1,2'x0.7'. (11.4m(v),1.9'x1.6',E2,Br3) A bit W of ngc 4478 is NGC 4476 (12.2m (v), 1.7'x1.2', SA(r)0- :,Br3) Somewhat fainter than -78, much smaller. A bright (13m) stellar nucleus and some faint (Br4) haze. Size about 40''-50'', a bit elliptical. NGC 4486A: 7' SE of M87. Stellar, about 13m. Br1. (13.5m, 0.8'x0.7',C) NGC 4486B: On the opposite side of M87, also 7' off. Stellar, 12.5m. (13.3m(v), 0.6'x0.6', cE0, Br1).