Object: Galaxy MESSIER 106 and NGC 4248 Constell: CVN RA: 12h 19.0m (M106) Decl: +47° 18' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 8.3m (v), 12.5m(v) Size: 18,9'x7,3', 3'x1' Type: SAB(s)bc, I0? sp Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Hartolam, Finland Date/Time: 4./5.4.1997, 01.00 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 80x Filter: Field: 37' NE Lim.mag: 6.3m Background sky: 2 Seeing: 2 Weather: -4 °C, no Moon. Good. Brightness: 2, 5 Alt: 70° Description: M 106: 12'x4'. Quite strongly concentrated with a mag. 12 stellar nucleus. Some structure faintly visible: A thin spiral arm arcs towards SE along the S side and another one - stronger but shorter - is visible on the opposite side. Two bright knots about 1.5' S and W fro the core. NGC 4248: Faint but easy, visible at 40x. Elliptical 1.5:1. Slightly and brodaly concentrated. Very close to a mag. 14 star. Small.