Object: Galaxies NGC 5981, -82, and -85 Constell: DRA RA: 15h 37.89m Decl: +59° 23.6' (-81) Epoch: 2000 Mag: Size: Type: Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Jyväskylä, Finland Date/Time: 16./17.9.1993, 22.50 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 133x Filter: Field: 22 NE Lim.mag: 5.5m Background sky: 2-3 Seeing: 3 Weather: Good, Cold. No Moon. Brightness: Alt: 45° Description: NGC 5981 (13.0m (v), 3'x0.5', Sc?, Br5): Very faint, estim. mag. 13,5. Edge-on, elliptical 4:1. Not concentrated (or this is the core). A 10th magn. star is 2,5' NW. NGC 5982 (11.1m (v), 2.6'x2.0', E3, Br2): Brightest in group, visible at 40x as a very small glow. 133x: About 2', rounds, strongly concentrated. Surrounded by a few 14th mag. stars. NGC 5985 (11.0m (v), 5.5'x3.0', SAB(r)ab, Br3): Quite bright (estim. mag. 11,5) but large making the surface brightness quite low. Elliptical 2:1. Slightly concentrated. Two mag. 11,5 star near: One 4' N and another 3' E.