Object: Planetary nebula Jones 1 (PK104-29.1) Constell: PEG RA: 23h 35m 53.6s Decl: +30° 28' 02'' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 13.0m (v) Size: 314'' Type: 3b Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Korpilahti, Finland Date/Time: 22./23.11.1992, 21.05 Telescope: N 635/3175 (!) Magn: 80x (?) Filter: O-III Field: 40' NE Lim.mag: 5.5m Background sky: 3 Seeing: 3 Weather: Brightness: 4 Alt: Description: Wow! A faint and large planetary. Totally washed out by the light of a faint red flashlight but jumps into view as soon as the eye adjusts to the semi-total darkness of the O- III -darkened field. The two bright arcs NW and SE were quite easy. The southwestern edge is much fainter but was occasionally quite easy. The nebulosity within the ring is eeF. The NW lobe is brighter than the other one. One of my favousites, I'd say.