Object: Galaxy cluster ABELL 779 Constell: LYN RA: 09h 19.8m Decl: +33° 46' Epoch: 2000 Mag: Br(10) 13.8m Size: 1° Type: 0 I I-II: Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Hartola, Finland Date/Time: 25./26.2.1995, 22.00 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 133x Filter: Field: 22' NE Lim.mag: 5.8m Background sky: 2 Seeing: 3 Weather: no Moon, -6 °C, very thin mist. Brightness: see below Alt: 60° Description: A field of 5 galaxies. The only bright one is NGC 3832 (11.9m(x),2-4'x1.9',E2+:,Br3): Round or somewhat elliptical N-S. A small brightening was visible within the halo of -32, about 30'' SW of the nucleus. Almost stellar, mag. 14,5. I think this is NGC 3831 (15.0m(p),1.4',E0,Br5). The 2nd brightest object in this field is NGC 2825 (15.3m(p),1.0x'0.3',S(s)ap? sp,Br5): About 5' W of -32. Very small (25''), round, somewhat concentrated. Between the 2 brightest galaxies (closer to -32) is NGC 2830 (15.3m(p), 1.4'x0.3',SB0? sp,Br5): Only suspected. Very eS (15''), round, barely visible with averted vision, mag. 15. The last galaxy near the SE edge of the field is NGC 2839 (15.2m(p), E?, Br5): This was the last to be seen due to its position far from the center. Round, diam. 30'', not contentrated disk. NGC 2826 was not seen.