Object: Galaxy cluster ABELL 1656, NGC 4889 f. Constell: COM RA: 12h 59.8m (cl) Decl: +27° 58' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 13.5m (10th) Size: 79' Type: 2 1 II Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Hartola, Finland Date/Time: 31./1.3./4.1995, 01.10 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 133x Filter: Field: 22' NE Lim.mag: 6.2m Background sky: 2 Seeing: 3-4 Weather: -8 °C, MW bright. Good. Brightness: Alt: Description: ABELL 1656 east core. The brightest galaxy in the field is NGC 4889. NGC 4889 (11.5m(v), 2.9'x1.9', E4+, Br3): Slightly elliptical (1,2:1) WSW-ENE. Moderately concentrated, no core. NGC 4886 (13.8m(v), 1.1', E0, Br4) is the stellar point W of the core of NGC 4889. Suprisingly easy. NGC 4883 (14.3m(v), -, SB0, Br5): Between -89 and a mag. 7 star on the W edge. Very faint but easily seen. Very small, about 15''. Shape indefinite. Slightly concentrated. NGC 4907 (13.5m(v), 1.2'x1.0', SB(r)b, Br4): is the galaxy included in 'outer space' aka outside the circle. Round. Has even surface brightness and quite sharp edges. Could be a planetary nebula. Very close to a mag. 13 star. The faint stellar object slightly outside the circle near -07. is either the mag. 15.7 compact galaxy CGCG 160-251 or a nearby mag. 15 field star. Who knows... N of NGC 4889 is IC 4021 (14.8m(v), 0.4'x0.4', E, Br5): Very faint, very small (10''). Non-stellar. E of NGC 4889 is a quite bright stellar galaxy, NGC 4898 (13.5m(v), -, Ep, Br4) The only object near visible in photographs the stellar point drawn ENE of NGC 4898 is PGC44763 (15.4m(v),-,-,Br5). ??? Following the line of the two stellar galaxies (-98 and the PGC galaxy) towards E the next galaxy visible is NGC4906 (14.1m(v), -, E3, Br5): A mag. 14 star with some fuzz around it, mostly on the NE-E side. Photographs show a star and a galaxy. The triangle of galaxies N of NGC 4907: The W-most (the one with a stellar nucleus is IC 4041 (14.3m(v), 0.7', E6, Br5): An extremely small glow around a mag. 14.5 star. This is also a star+galaxy pair in photographs. E of IC 4041 is IC 4051 (13.2m(v), 1.0'x0.9', E0, Br5): Slightly smaller than NGC 4908 (below) but very similar. Round. The last galaxy (N of IC4051) is NGC 4908 (13.5m(v), 1.1'x0.9', E5, Br5): Slightly elliptical, not concentrated. Difficult. Size about 35''x30''.