Object: Galaxy NGC 7013 Constell: CYG RA: 21h 03.6m Decl: +29° 54' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 11.3m (v) Size: 4.0'x1.6' Type: SA(r)0/a Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Jyväskylä, Finland Date/Time: 9./10.9.1993, 23.50 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 133x Filter: Field: 22' NE Lim.mag: 5.4m Background sky: 3 Seeing: 4 Weather: 1/2 Moon low E Brightness: 4 Alt: about 50° Description: An easy quite faint galaxy. A classical galaxy: A clearly brighter central bulge (diam 1') surrounded by a fainter and more ellitical disk. This galaxy is only 2° E of the Veil Nebula