Object: Nebulous cluster NGC 7129 Constell: CEP RA: 21h 41.4m Decl: +66° 06' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 11.5m Size: 2.7'(cl), 8'(neb) Type: IV 2 p n Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Jyväskylä, Finland Date/Time: 17./18.9.1993, 01.15 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 63x Filter: Field: NE Lim.mag: 5.5m Background sky: 2-3 Seeing: 2-3 Weather: Cold. Brightness: 2 Alt: 70° Description: An interesting shape. 5 stars in faint but easy nebulosity. The N patch is slightly brighter. The dark band between the parts is quite easy.