Object: Nonex-open cluster NGC 7438 Constell: CAS RA: 22h 57.6m Decl: +54° 21' Epoch: 2000 Mag: Size: 30'x8' (own) Type: III 2 m (own) Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Hartola, Finland Date/Time: 21./22.8.1996, 00.10 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 40x Filter: Field: 83' NE Lim.mag: 6.0m Background sky: 2 Seeing: 2 Weather: +14 °C, no Moon. Brightness: 3 Alt: 70° Description: Two asterisms? About 30 stars in an oblong area 30'x8' oriented NE-SW. Stands out quite well. Stars mag 11,5..13. Est Tr-type III 2 m/p. Could maybe be a real (or two) cluster(s). The coordinates are within the NE group near the 12th magnitude double star (barely separated in the scanned version) J. Herschel: "A large oblong cl. which fills two fields" h2196