SATORAMA Our observing programme can be found in the 'Recent Observations' section. It is subdivided in categories, the codes of which can be found below. b flashing object for beginners d difficult to measure S steady object, potentially flashing in the future ? flash period is unknown or uncertain - long flash period (>40 s) ! top-priority object regular object Special remarks Top-priority objects 71- 86J: steady 65- 08A: probably accelerating 73- 37J: also steady 70-106B: to be observed, URGENTLY ! 75- 16J: no change, steady 79- 30B: going up again 81- 59B: secundary maxima, nice object 81- 53B: accelerated according to LB ? 81- 84B: long period now 82- 66B: last observation hp ? 82- 40J: normal object now 83- 21B: acceleration halted ? 82- 69B: long period 84-109B: slowly rising again ? 83- 42B: hp ? 85- 23J: still Top Priority - real period ? 83-108B: period is still measureable ! 85-116B: sudden acceleration ? to be confirmed 84- 03B: acceleration halted, normal object now 86- 92J: look out for smaller accelerations ! 84- 43B: deleted, no acceleration and steady 87- 06B: flasher discovered by BD, accelerating 84-109B: slowly going up again 87- 98B: accelerating ? 86- 37B: dtm because of sm ? 89- 28B: dtm ? 87- 49B: almost steady 90- 36B: some secundary maxima 88- 53B: no acceleration, steady and deleted 91- 59B: sm 89- 59B: deleted because steady 91- 81B: going down ? 91- 06B: deleted, steady 92- 20B: also going down ? to be confirmed 91- 07B: almost S 92- 36B: to be watched closely 91- 42B: deleted, last flashing obs is probably 91-42A 92- 73B: accelerated 92- 70D: dtm, more observations needed 94- 24B: flashes confirmed 94- 27B: ASLV SROSS C2: flashing ! 94- 29A: as expected, S->deleted 94- 29B: Pegasus rocket: flashing ! 94- 41B: probably flashing Observers of July 94 ANO: Antero Olkkonen, Ristiina, Finland MM: Mike McCants, Austin, Texas, USA BD: Bram Dorreman, Achel, Belgium RE: Russell Eberst, Edinburgh, Scotland DC: Dirk Carlens, Hasselt, Belgium RK: Raïner Kracht, Elmshorn, Germany DWB: David Bishop, Utica, New York, USA TC: Tristan Cools, Brugge, Belgium KD: Kurt Dequick, Bredene, Belgium WN: Walter Nissen, Silver Spring, USA KJ: Kurt Jonckheere, Oostende, Belgium Total number of observations: 325 Next deadline for sending in observations: september 8, 1994 Just before sending 'Satorama' to Bart for publication in 'Flash', I quickly added some more satellites to the programme. Those satellites are: 71-87A, 72-3B, 88-102A(Elint !), 90-81K a nd last but not least 92-53B which may be accelerating according to Mike McCants. Next month, they will get a special remark in SATORAMA. TC