The file NEC2_Mac_ is a NEC2 executable which runs on a Macintosh. It requires '020 or better and FPU. It is strictly a vanilla version essentially compiled right out of the box (or off the net). Only some trivial changes to deal with some Hollerith constants and timing routines. Input is by card image text file as per the manual. I've run it for test problems 1-6 and 8 in the manual. But for inconsequential differences in the least significant digits, the results agree. Example 5 is a 12 element log periodic. Of the 7 cases I've run, it takes the longest. It is interesting to note that the manual, circa 1980, shows a run time of 17 seconds on a CDC 7600. My Mac IIci takes 24 seconds. As usual, this is caveat emptor, there are no guarantees! 73, W5KH