patch-2.3.49 linux/include/linux/digiFep1.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.48/linux/include/linux/digiFep1.h linux/include/linux/digiFep1.h
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-#define CSTART       0x400L
-#define CMAX         0x800L
-#define ISTART       0x800L
-#define IMAX         0xC00L
-#define CIN          0xD10L
-#define GLOBAL       0xD10L
-#define EIN          0xD18L
-#define FEPSTAT      0xD20L
-#define CHANSTRUCT   0x1000L
-#define RXTXBUF      0x4000L
-struct global_data 
-	volatile ushort cin;
-	volatile ushort cout;
-	volatile ushort cstart;
-	volatile ushort cmax;
-	volatile ushort ein;
-	volatile ushort eout;
-	volatile ushort istart;
-	volatile ushort imax;
-struct board_chan 
-	int filler1; 
-	int filler2;
-	volatile ushort tseg;
-	volatile ushort tin;
-	volatile ushort tout;
-	volatile ushort tmax;
-	volatile ushort rseg;
-	volatile ushort rin;
-	volatile ushort rout;
-	volatile ushort rmax;
-	volatile ushort tlow;
-	volatile ushort rlow;
-	volatile ushort rhigh;
-	volatile ushort incr;
-	volatile ushort etime;
-	volatile ushort edelay;
-	volatile unchar *dev;
-	volatile ushort iflag;
-	volatile ushort oflag;
-	volatile ushort cflag;
-	volatile ushort gmask;
-	volatile ushort col;
-	volatile ushort delay;
-	volatile ushort imask;
-	volatile ushort tflush;
-	int filler3;
-	int filler4;
-	int filler5;
-	int filler6;
-	volatile unchar num;
-	volatile unchar ract;
-	volatile unchar bstat;
-	volatile unchar tbusy;
-	volatile unchar iempty;
-	volatile unchar ilow;
-	volatile unchar idata;
-	volatile unchar eflag;
-	volatile unchar tflag;
-	volatile unchar rflag;
-	volatile unchar xmask;
-	volatile unchar xval;
-	volatile unchar mstat;
-	volatile unchar mchange;
-	volatile unchar mint;
-	volatile unchar lstat;
-	volatile unchar mtran;
-	volatile unchar orun;
-	volatile unchar startca;
-	volatile unchar stopca;
-	volatile unchar startc;
-	volatile unchar stopc;
-	volatile unchar vnext;
-	volatile unchar hflow;
-	volatile unchar fillc;
-	volatile unchar ochar;
-	volatile unchar omask;
-	unchar filler7;
-	unchar filler8[28];
-#define SRXLWATER      0xE0
-#define SRXHWATER      0xE1
-#define STOUT          0xE2
-#define PAUSETX        0xE3
-#define RESUMETX       0xE4
-#define SAUXONOFFC     0xE6
-#define SENDBREAK      0xE8
-#define SETMODEM       0xE9
-#define SETIFLAGS      0xEA
-#define SONOFFC        0xEB
-#define STXLWATER      0xEC
-#define PAUSERX        0xEE
-#define RESUMERX       0xEF
-#define SETBUFFER      0xF2
-#define SETCOOKED      0xF3
-#define SETHFLOW       0xF4
-#define SETCTRLFLAGS   0xF5
-#define SETVNEXT       0xF6
-#define BREAK_IND        0x01
-#define LOWTX_IND        0x02
-#define EMPTYTX_IND      0x04
-#define DATA_IND         0x08
-#define MODEMCHG_IND     0x20
-#define FEP_HUPCL  0002000
-#if 0
-#define RTS   0x02
-#define CD    0x08
-#define DSR   0x10
-#define CTS   0x20
-#define RI    0x40
-#define DTR   0x80

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: